An exploration of Words Chapter 1
It is always interesting when my brain goes down a rabbit hole I inevitably get messages from the universe that validates where I am and what I need to do.
When this happens my body responds, it resonates. At times it feels like vibrations, goosebumps, or pins and needles. That is when I know I am on the right track. Sometimes I will be listening to a podcast or an audiobook and something is said that causes this resonance. I freeze where I am, stop, rewind, re listen and then write it down or often dictate a note into my phone notepad.
Sometimes it is a just a word, a word I find that keeps repeating itself in other areas of my life. Maybe I heard it on a different podcast, maybe I saw it in a social media post, maybe it is something I have read. Then the word is appearing everywhere.
In the case of this word, it entered strongly into my awareness the first time I saw a session between a wise old mare and a troubled young man.
It has been building ever since.
The word is congruence.
agreement or harmony; compatibility.
"the results show quite good congruence with recent studies"
“A person is congruent when their outside actions match what they feel on the inside. In other words, it's when the behavior of a person matches with how they feel and think about the situation. With congruence, there is a sense of harmony and agreement between self-image and ideal self.”
Of course, this makes so much sense. Having harmony between what is going on inside you and what you project out. You have a sense of alignment, and your body is in harmony. Just as horses are.
Horses are masters at detecting congruence and incongruence. This is one of the many reasons we partner with them. They feel the dis jointed energy of incongruence, and reflect it back. This is either in their direct actions…”um, I am going to leave now” or their body language. In congruence, they are like “ Hello, who are you, can I step in”?
As humans if we ground ourselves and attune to our bodies, we too can detect congruence and incongruence in others. You feel it and then know it. I feel incongruence in the pit of my stomach and when I do my senses are all on alert. My instinct is not to trust or get away. Until relatively recently I would ignore that and use my mind to say things like “Come on Kathy don’t be so instantly judgemental, give her the benefit of the doubt”. Only to find out later my intuition was correct. I try hard not to get caught in that anymore. It is a work in progress, but I am getting better at it.
The good news is lately I am finding congruence repeatedly in the heart centred horse community. I am finding like-minded people everywhere I turn. People that walk their talk, live in their truth and their authenticity. I add these people to my personal orbit if I can or follow and learn from their work from afar. It has a feeling of community, a caring non-judgemental community. It feels safe.
I also find this congruence generally in heart centred people. Since I started the equine journey I am on now, these people just show up. It is not due to any effort on my part. I don’t advertise, “join my tribe”. People come into the orbit organically. They are drawn here. The ones that truly come here with congruence, without a hidden agenda, out of curiosity and an open-heart stay. I have met some pretty amazing people over the last few years. Energy healers, therapists, collaborative practitioners, Reiki masters, Shamans, sound healers, interesting academics, and some lovely new neighbours.
I have also met a few charlatans and some tricksters. If my intuition is asleep and I can’t get a “read”, we go for a walk to the horses. The horses will tell me. Then my body goes back into attunement and intuition shines bright.
I let go of my tendency to people please and let them go with kindness. If they have tried to put a hook into me, I cut the cord and give it back. It the hooks keep coming, I set a strong boundary.
It is a different with my clients as they come for help. Helping with congruence and finding it within themselves is part of what we do. The horses reflect the incongruence, and we can flow back into the light. We help them shed what does not serve them and that opens space up in the body for authenticity and then congruence.
Curious about off of this… a session…..
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