The Voice of the Horse

I was scrolling through my social media feed this morning which because I am a horse person is filled with all sort of posts and content on all things "horse". Posts from FB friends on their adventures and more general content from in the horse ether.

I have mixed emotions about a lot of this since I have been on a journey of learning to really listen to the horses "voice".

After all it is their "voice" that is front and centre of the work.

It is their voice that has me feeling so deeply in care for them and my personal understanding of my soul and my authentic self.

I thank them for that.

I also find myself apologizing to them as well

There is no animal out there that needs a bigger apology from the human race than the horse.

As I scroll, I come across images and videos of despondent and shut down horses being ridden for the sole purpose of the pleasure and/or the ego of the rider. How high can I jump, how many obstacles can I go through, how fast can I race, how I can look "pretty" for you.

You see it in the horses eyes. Race horses running in sheer fear and panic for the pleasure of the crowd, the pocketbooks of the owners, and the pots for the gamblers.

Dressage horses over bent, with foaming mouths and blue tongues. Reining horses sliding to stops which so clearly are so hard on the body.

Trainers riding horses in spurs and draw reins at the SAME TIME, compressing the horses body like an accordion. Teaching their students to do the same.

I look at these horses eyes and heads, in freeze mode, shut down. They put up with it as they can't escape and therefore move to "shut down stoicism."

People simply leading horses with a chain over their sensitive nose...or even worse through their mouth and over their teeth.

I see all sorts of gadgets being used( spurs, draw reins, whips, controlling bits, painful hackamores, weighted shoes...etc...)

Then there are flashes that prevents the horse from opening its mouth

"Horse you need to shut up" A metaphor for what is exactly going on. The horse has no voice and on a biological level can't release the jaw, which is attached all through the body to the tail.

Then I see a hopeful glimmer, a trainer working with a horse in hand where clearly there is engagement, trust and sparkly eyes. I see this small but rising group of trainers and their followers doing it a different way. They are starting with connection and considering the horses emotions. The have no expectations of outcome and give the horse the opportunity to say "no or not now" They take it slow.

I see a young child toddling up to a horse to simply give them a hug. The horse's dropped head to reach the child, the child looking up with stretched hands. The horse nuzzling the childs hair, the giggles.

I watch a young woman, thoroughly engaged with my beautiful mare Zora. She is simply sitting outside her stall communing or spending time in the field giving the horse loving care. Giving her scratches where she wants scratches, taking her time, spending time, in 100% connection. Horse “voice” says scratch me here. She listens, she scratches. Joy in the horses response to the feeling and the connection between the two. ❤️

On a final scroll I see another glimmer, a trainer with a student and a horse, no gadgets, all relaxed, all sentient beings connected and listening.

I feel hopeful!

I for sure am not perfect and being with horses is a journey.

I apologize to horses past and horses present for times I was not thinking of them first because I was in a hurry or had an agenda.

I apologize when I used a flash and bungey cords.

I am sorry Max.

I apologize when I did work with the less than caring trainers because I needed a "result".

I am sorry Quinn

I am so sorry I let a trainer ride my horse, they did things to her, and I said nothing out of fear.

I am so sorry Lily.

I am sorry I listened to others, did not leave or speak up when my body was clearly saying NO!!! because I did not want to offend,I wanted to be part of the "crowd" and even worse I simply wanted friends to ride with.

I am sorry to Lily, Quinn, Denali, Max, and Nookie.

I am grateful horses ARE so generous and forgiving.

My commitment to them now is……

I no longer want to or need to be part of the crowd.

I owe my horses and all the horses in my care that.

When we know better we do better.

If this resonates, please share and follow.

There is this new movement in the horse is slowly building and getting a voice.

The Voice of the Horse

If you want to learn more about energy based heart and emotional connections with horses, please reach out.


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